She has been featured in several podcasts, television programs, and websites, sharing her expertise and insights on Tai Chi and Qigong. Through these media platforms, Violet has been able to reach a wider audience and spread the word about the benefits of these healing arts. Whether she is conducting one-on-one interviews or speaking to a large audience, she always brings her passion and knowledge to the forefront, helping people to understand the importance of incorporating Tai Chi and Qigong into their daily lives for improved health and happiness. (#TaiChi, #Taiji, #Qigong, #ImmunityBoost, #StressReduction, #AnxietyRelief, #VioletLi, #StLouis, #LasVegas, #Meditation, #ChineseMartialArts, #KungFu, #WuShu)
Check out Violet Li's interview on The Martial Art's Woman podcast.
Violet was invited to talk about Tai Chi and Recovery on Rachel on Recovery.
Click on the links and start enjoying the talk.

Other Media Coverage
“陈氏太极传人南卡讲’太极’ “, Mar. 24, 2016, QiaoBao, http://ny.usqiaobao.com//m/weekends/2016/03-24/91312.html
“李白之夜”与“太极讲座”欢迎您来", 03/03/2016, The China Press, http://ny.uschinapress.com/m/weekends/2016/03-03/90010.html
“王錤-東西接軌-分享太極秘笈”, Feb. 2, 2016, World Journal http://www.worldjournal.com/3716901/article-王錤-東西接軌-分享太極秘笈/?ref=芝加哥&ismobile=false
Listing on "Qigong Masters" http://thesecretsofqigongmasters.presspublisher.org/author/violet-li
“健身學太極 --- 王錤大師為大家打造強健的體魄” (Tai Chi Master Violet Li designs Tai Chi classes to promote better health”, on Jan 22, 2015, St. Louis Chinese Journal)
“太極大師王錤主講太極對帕金森病症的預防及治療” (“Tai Chi Master Violet Li speech to the Parkinson’s Group”, on June 5, 2014, St. Louis Chinese Journal)
“Radio Friends of Paul Pepper”, June 14, 2013, KBIA/National Public Radio at Columbia, MO, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLBE-Bgdb-M&feature=player_embedded
Show Me St. Louis, Channel 5 KSDK (NBC), July 2010, St. Louis, MO http://www.ksdk.com/life/programming/local/showme/story.aspx?storyid=207298&catid=78
Guest appearance on DiscoverSecrets of Qigong Masters http://www.blogtalkradio.com/qigongmasters/2013/07/13/violet-li, on July 12, 2013
“聖路易中文學校太極大師王錤女士(Master Violet Li Teaching at St. Louis Chinese Language School)”, June 14, 2013, http://www.scanews.com/2013/06/s1190/119010/ & http://www.stlouischinesejournal.com/localnews/local_news_061313.htm#eig
“Donation of Tai Chi 24 DVD to Chinese Culture & Education Services”, Dec. 1, 2012 http://www.worldjournal.com/view/wjilnews/21225026/article-聖路易太極24-捐義賣所得?instance=il2
The 2012 The Midwest Chinese American Science and Technology Association http://www.stlouischinesejournal.com/localnews/local_news_091312.htm#one
The 2012 The Midwest Chinese American Science and Technology Association http://www.scanews.com/2012/09/s1151/115101/
“Teaching at the Asian Center” by St. Louis Chinese Journal, June 29, 2012, http://www.stlouischinesejournal.com/localnews/local_news_062812.htm#fiv
“Teaching at the Asian Center” by St. Louis Chinese American News, June 28, 2012 http://www.scanews.com/2012/06/s1140/114010/
Violet Li’s Bai Si story. http://www.stlouischinesejournal.com/localnews/local_news_062112.htm#thr
Executive Producer of “Tai Chi 24”, a teaching DVD. http://www.stlouischinesejournal.com/localnews/local_news_053112.htm#two
Performance at Fo Guang Shan, Feb 18, 2012 http://www.stlouischinesejournal.com/localnews/local_news_022312.htm#two, http://www.scanews.com/2010/07/s1040/104001/
Guest appearance on Secrete of Qigong Masters http://www.blogtalkradio.com/qigongmasters/2011/07/12/interview-with-violet-li , on July 12, 2011
Teaching at the Missouri Artist Guild, by St. Louis Chinese American News, Sept. 9, 2010 http://www.scanews.com/2010/09/s1046/104614/
Guest appearances on Chi Chat, online Tai Chi & Qigong Show, http://www.drtaichi.com/
Performance at Overseas Chinese Association, July 29, 2010 http://www.stlouischinesejournal.com/localnews/local_news_072910.htm
Violet Li: Tai Chi Master Journalist, by Justin Meehan, St. Louis Chinese American News, June 17, 2010, St. Louis, MO http://www.scanews.com/2010/06/s1034/103405/
Violet on Taichi, by Elvis Wu, St. Louis Chinese Journal, June 10, 2010, St. Louis, MO http://www.stlouischinesejournal.com/localnews/local_news_061010.htm#fif
China Day Celebration, Show Me St. Louis, Channel 5 KSDK (NBC), May 2010, St. Louis, MO http://www.stlouischinesejournal.com/localnews/local_news_061010.htm#fif

17th World Congress of TCQ & TCM
Awards & Recognition
“Best Teacher Award”, St. Louis Chinese Language School, May 2018
“Dedication to the Internal Arts”, Tai Chi Gala, June 2017
“Best Media Award”, the 17th World Congress on Tai Chi, Qigong, and Traditional Chinese Medicine”, San Francisco, CaliforSept 2016
“The Presidential Volunteer Service Award” Gold Level, National & Community Service, 2014
“Certificate of Appreciation” for my role as a Tournament Judge, International Chinese Martial Arts Championship Worldwide Circuit, May 3, 2014
“The Presidential Volunteer Service Award”, National & Community Service, 2012 and 2013
“Honorable Participation”, the 20th Anniversary of Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine, San Jose, California, 2012
“CIO Award”, AT&T, USA, 2006
“Certificate of Appreciation” to promote Chinese Language Education, Midwest Chinese American Science and Technology Association, June 11-13, 1999
“Best Report”, Taiwan, 1979