A recent announced by the Shift Network on 06/16/2021
I am honored to be invited to speak and teach at 2021 Qigong Global Summit, hosted by Master Sharon Smith and the Shift Network among three other dozens of world class Tai Chi and Qigong grandmasters and masters. Due to your support, I was ranked as one of the top five presenters this year. It is a humbling experience. Below is the list of the comments from the participants:
A natural and accessible approach with an excellent foundational practice.
A deep knowledge with a lovely warm way of talking and presenting.
Amazing teacher
Another wonderful lecture and very informative with regard to posture.
Beautiful session and great info/pointers
Eager to go back and watch again
Excellent Instruction, want to know more
excellent presentation. I have practiced tai chi for many years but had to stop for health problems for a short time. Just getting back into practice. The fundamentals are a good reminder for the experienced and great for beginners. Would love to see an entire class on fundamentals.
Excellent Presentation. Loved it! Thank you! I will be contacting you!
Excellent session.
For a (this) novice, strong and useful reinforcement of the alignment of movement with the constantly changing universe, Yin Yang and the smooth flowing quality to aim for in existence. Importance of doing the forms correctly made big impression.
Fun, focused and enjoyable that teased with just enough information and performance.
Good demo and points made
Good help with silk reeling
Great advice on Tai Chi posture.
Great explanation of movement of hips - infinity sign
Great specifics
Her teaching on folding the hips was my biggest take away from the entire event. Loved her passion and knowledge.
I do that hip movement as part of my practice
I enjoyed her energy very much, and made myself a note to check out her work further.
I liked her tips but most of all I loved her flowing beauty when she did qigong. We could all hope to attain her level
I love her she’s so humble and kind ; a great teacher
I really liked her and the practice she offered.
i really liked her practice.
Interesting experience!
Language barrier but she is awesome
Learned a few tips
Loved her enthusiasm and detail in sharing her routine.
Loved her information
Loved her precision about how not to injure your knees when turning.
Loved her! Best explanation of Kua sitting i have ever heard!
Lovely, her movement of folding in the Kua was outstanding
New knowledge
really good. Particularly technique
She is very generous is her determination to get Qigong to the greatest number of people possible.
She taught something unique and helpful.
Short practice routine clearly explained a basic for posture
So clear in her expanation about the kua and the knees
terrific session! She provided a nice overview and a beautiful sample practice,
Thank you Violet Li, after your talk I know a little about Tai Chi alignment of body while moving. It was great for hips opening and releasing. I felt there free after moving in the infinity symbol. Your story was also inspiring me as I started practicing Qigong in a similar way as you did, and immediately knew that this is for me after I participated in a workshop. Since then, I was in 2017, Qigong practice become part of my daily routine. Thank you for sharing your story!
The emphasis on opening the qua was very important and the seemingly simple demonstration and explanation is very helpful. Violet is very cheerful and personable.
The last 10 min were well worth the wait- Thank you!!! I shared your info about kwa use to several friends with knee issues. So do the Chinese confuse "waist" with "kwa"?
This was an amazing presentation, and I found it very informative. Especially the part about proper hip movement
valuable teaching of folding the hips!!!
Very easy exercises, great impact
very enlightening
Very Fine! So much info , love to see it again !
very informative
Very valuable! It's have a friend who hurt her knee during Tai Chi, and I told her some tips I learned in this talk.
What a delight. Intention matters but technique is important too.
What an Inspiring story she has
Will watch again
Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!
My topic at the Summit was "the Secrete of good Tai Chi Practice". You can watch the presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfRt7DtKKBg&t=14s for free at your convenience. The interview is part of the Qigong Global Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit https://qigongglobalsummit.com. This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. (#TaiChi, #Taiji, #Qigong, #ImmunityBoost, #StressReduction, #AnxietyRelief, #VioletLi, #StLouis, #LasVegas, #Meditation, #ChineseMartialArts, #KungFu, #WuShu)

Presentation Content:
The Secret of Good Tai Chi practice
Presentation Time: on demand at your convenience
Presentation Date: on demand at your convenience
Location of the presentation: Youtube
Cost: Free
Status: The presentation is live anytime.