violetli2024 Winter Qigong for KidneysWeeks of 12/09/24 - 02/03/25 Winter is the season that we should strengthen the Kidney functions. Based on Chinese medicine and Qigong...
violetli2024 Winter Chen 18 Enhancement & Silk ReelingMondays, 12/09/24 - 2/10/25 A 8-week online small group class for in-depth instruction on Chen 18 Enhancement and Silk Reeling . An...
violetli2024 Fall Chen 18 Enhancement & Silk ReelingWednesdays, 09/11/24 - 11/13/24 A 8-week online small group class for in-depth instruction on Chen 18 Enhancement and Silk Reeling . An...
violetli2024 Fall Qigong for LungsWeeks of 09/09/24 - 11/11/24 Fall is the season that we should strengthen the lung functions . Clinically proven Qigong has amazing...